举例如下: 如:有一控件为edtbutton:TedtButton,我们需要在动态脚本中使用该控件。我们采用如下方法:我们可以把该控件申明在fs_iformsrtti单元里面(当然也可以申明在其他的单元如fs_idbrtti里面,但是遵守一个原则是尽量使得功能相似的控件放在同一个单元里面,这样只需要把该单元所对应的控件拖动到form上即可,提高系统运行效率)如:fs_iformsrtti单元对应控件板上的fsiformsrtti。以此类推 AddClass(TedtButton, 'TControl');对于增加方法:请看如下例子:如需要增加Tedit类的CopyToClipboard、CutToClipboard、PasteFromClipboard方法。则代码如下所示:with AddClass(TEdit, 'TWinControl') do begin AddMethod('procedure CopyToClipboard', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure CutToClipboard', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure PasteFromClipboard', CallMethod); end;在 CallMethod中需要增加相应方法的实现。function TFunctions.CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const MethodName: String; var Params: Variant): Variant;var Form: TCustomForm;begin Result := 0; if ClassType = TControl then begin if MethodName = 'HIDE' then TControl(Instance).Hide else if MethodName = 'SHOW' then TControl(Instance).Show else if MethodName = 'SETBOUNDS' then TControl(Instance).SetBounds(Params[0], Params[1], Params[2], Params[3]) end else if ClassType = TWinControl then begin if MethodName = 'SETFOCUS' then TWinControl(Instance).SetFocus end else if ClassType = TEdit then //需要增加的实现(只是对于Tedit); begin if MethodName = uppercase('CopyToClipboard') then Tedit(Instance).CopyToClipboard ; if MethodName = uppercase('CutToClipboard') then Tedit(Instance).CutToClipboard ; if MethodName = uppercase('PasteFromClipboard') then Tedit(Instance).PasteFromClipboard ; end End对于增加属性:请看如下例子:如需要增加TdataSet的RecordCount属性,则代码如下所示: with AddClass(TDataSet, 'TComponent') do begin AddMethod('procedure Open', CallMethod);…… AddProperty('FieldCount', 'Integer', GetProp, nil); AddProperty('RecordCount', 'Integer',GetProp,nil); 因为RecordCount属性只有读没有写。 AddProperty('Active', 'Boolean', GetProp, SetProp);既能读又能写。 End如果有写过程,则需要在 GetProp过程中增加相应属性的实现。function TFunctions.GetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const PropName: String): Variant;begin…….if ClassType = TField thenbegin …… Result := _TField.Size else if PropName = 'VALUE' thenResult := _TField.Value…… end else if ClassType = TDataSet then begin …… else if PropName = 'FIELDCOUNT' then Result := _TDataSet.FieldCount else if PropName = 'RECORDCOUNT' then Result := _TDataSet.RecordCount…… end。procedure TFunctions.SetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const PropName: String; Value: Variant);……if ClassType = TField then begin _TField := TField(Instance); if PropName = 'ASBOOLEAN' then _TField.AsBoolean := Value else if PropName = 'ASCURRENCY' then _TField.AsCurrency := Value else if PropName = 'ASDATETIME' then _TField.AsDateTime := Value else if PropName = 'ASFLOAT' then _TField.AsFloat := Value else if PropName = 'ASINTEGER' then _TField.AsInteger := Value else if PropName = 'ASSTRING' then _TField.AsString := Value else if PropName = 'ASVARIANT' then _TField.AsVariant := Value else if PropName = 'VALUE' then _TField.Value := Value end else if ClassType = TDataSet then begin _TDataSet := TDataSet(Instance); if PropName = 'FILTER' then _TDataSet.Filter := Value else if PropName = 'FILTERED' then _TDataSet.Filtered := Value else if PropName = 'FILTEROPTIONS' then _TDataSet.FilterOptions := IntToFilterOptions(Value) else if PropName = 'ACTIVE' then _TDataSet.Active := Value end……B.调用Delphi过程:1. 先创建事件处理方法:TfsCallMethodEvent2. 然后再用调用TfsScript.AddMethod方法,第一个参数为Delphi方法的语法,第二个参数为TfsCallMethodEvent链接的一个句柄。如在Delphi有一个过程为DelphiFunc,…..procedure TForm1.DelphiFunc(s: String; i: Integer);begin ShowMessage(s + ', ' + IntToStr(i));end;{TfsCallMethodEvent}function TForm1.CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const MethodName: String; var Params: Variant): Variant;begin if MethodName = 'DELPHIFUNC' then //注意方法名称都为大写比较。 DelphiFunc(Params[0], Params[1]);end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin { clear all items } fsScript1.Clear; { script text } fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines; { frGlobalUnit contains standard types and functions } fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit; { make DelphiFunc procedure visible to a script } fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure DelphiFunc(s: String; i: Integer)', CallMethod); { compile the script } if fsScript1.Compile then fsScript1.Execute else { execute if compilation was succesfull } ShowMessage(fsScript1.ErrorMsg); { show an error message }end;C.调用FastScript过程:与调用Delphi函数类似。举例说明:如果在动态脚本里面有一个'ScriptFunc'的一个过程,则在delphi代码里需要写如下: fsScript1.Clear; { script text } fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines; { frGlobalUnit contains standard types and functions } fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit; { make DelphiFunc procedure visible to a script } { compile the script } if fsScript1.Compile then { Call script function with one string parameter and one integer param } fsScript1.CallFunction('ScriptFunc', VarArrayOf(['Call ScriptFunc', 1])) else ShowMessage(fsScript1.ErrorMsg); { show an error message }end;例如动态脚本内容如下:procedure ScriptFunc(Msg: String; Num: Integer);begin ShowMessage('1st param: ' + Msg + ' 2nd param: ' + IntToStr(Num));end;begin DelphiFunc('Call DelphiFunc', 1);end.